Of course you should savor the warm glow of falling in and being in love. That’s what getting married is all about! Enjoy the preparations for your wedding ceremony, thrill over the dress and trousseau, the flowers, music, attendants, reception and honeymoon.
As you come together to form a new family, take the time to discuss why you are getting married, and begin building a productive, loving environment. Dreams of living happily in the partnership of marriage are never guaranteed, but hard work on your part can help make your marriage last.
Communication is essential for building and sustaining a good, healthy marriage, both new and old alike. But even couples who don’t find it very easy to talk can learn to express their feelings, needs and ideas to each other, increasing their prospects for a successful marriage.
Any sincere effort to communicate usually strengthens the relationship and lowers the chance of marital breakdown, so try to build your listening skills. Learn to handle your anger effectively, to talk about sex, and to provide positive feedback
Sometimes it’s hard for couples to talk about their relationship. These questions offer a useful guide to tackling tough issues as you begin your new life together:
Categorized in: Advice & Planning, After the Wedding
Premier Bride started in 1987 and is a successful publishing web and marketing group centered around the wedding industry. Couples rely on Premier Bride to help them find local wedding vendors when planning their weddings. We are in the business of bringing couples and businesses together!